My Garden

I've planted a few vegetables and herbs to be used in the kitchen this summer I have a small backyard with limited space and don't have the space for a traditional vegetable garden. I'm planting my vegetables and herbs mixed in with my flowers in the garden. I like the mix of vegetables, herbs, flower, shrubs and trees giving the garden interest in textures and colours. I will continue to plant additional vegetables and herbs as I visit garden centres to expand my garden.

May 9, 2011

Fresh herbs always make a dish taste much better and so I've decided to plant basil, rosemary, mint and lavender. I plan to use the lavender for cakes, cookies, and desserts. The mint will come in handy for desserts as well in a coulis or as a garnish. I'll also be able to make my mint pea soup with it too. Rosemary is a great addition to meats and vegetables as well as savory breads. I'm looking forward to using the basil with some fresh tomatoes from my garden and some bocconcini cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

From my parent's garden I transported some green onions. My mom tells me that they come back every year if you just use the green part of the onion.

While I was at the garden centre I picked up some romaine lettuce and red sails lettuce (which is a loose leaf) to use in a fresh salad. I've already made one vinaigrette in class and hope to make others to use in my salads.

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