Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 58: Judgement Day ~ Final Practical Exam. Glad It's Over ~ But Wish I Could Do It Over

Today was the final for the practical exam of Cooking Basics. Unlike the other tests we've been having throughout the course, today we were timed on service. We were not only scored by our Chef, but a Chef from outside the college who has his own establishment in the food industry. All plating was blind and both chefs did not who's plate they were scoring.

I tried a couple of different techniques and garnishes for today's exam. Some were good and some were not so good. I think that for an exam it's likely more important to stay with what you know. However, that being said there were a couple of things that I did for the first time that turned out really well. I wasn't overly pleased with my dishes ~ but we're all hard on ourselves when it comes to finals. Today was no different and the pressure was on. I took pictures of three of my dishes but didn't get a chance to take a picture of my last ~ the chocolate mousse and Genoise cake dessert.

Tomorrow while half the class is preparing their final dishes, the rest of us will be on kitchen duty for clean up. I'm planning on doing a little bit of studying tomorrow as well for the final theory exam.

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