Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 50: Practice, Practice, Practice

Today we are making salmon wrapped in baby spinach and coated with panko crumbs. The result is a nice presentation of layers. To start, the salmon is pan fried in a little oil. The baby spinach is blanched very quickly in hot water before wrapping it around the salmon. We drain the water from the spinach before it is breaded and then deep fried. This dish is very labour intensive. If you don't have a lot of time, this isn't a quick meal to prepare. To go with the fish, I made diced potatoes (hash browns), pearl onions, and brussel sprouts.

I was not too happy with my plating today. My berry coulis was not working for me at all. I think that except for the coulis, my plate would have looked pretty decent. My salmon was cooked perfect, the pearl onions and brussel sprouts looked good, the hash browns were even cooked nicely. I have no idea what happened when it came to plating the berry coulis.

Tomorrow is another day and I know I'll do better. Practice, practice, practice.

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