Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 37: Two Rices ~ Pilaf and Risotto.

Today we started off with a test on stocks, sauces and soups. As with all our written tests there are 100 questions ~ true or false, multiple choice, and short answers. It was a tough test and I think everyone in the class did well.

We made two types of rice dishes today ~ a rice pilaf and a risotto. We decided on a pilaf to start so we diced up some onions, red peppers, green peppers, and carrots. For the rice pilaf we are using par boiled rice. This is a very quick and easy dish to make. In a sauce pan add butter, onions and season with salt and pepper. Next I add the red peppers, green peppers and carrots. When the vegetables are tender, the rice is ready to be added. It is stirred around to coat with butter and add water enough to cover the rice by about an inch. The rice is left to simmer on the stove covered until done. This is a vegetable rice pilaf which can be served as a starter or a side dish. Chef wants us to think about garnishes for our plates as I get mine ready for chef to taste and critique. I work on a carrot with my peeler to see what I come up with and create a little rosette that I can use for part of my garnish that includes dill and (yes!) chives.

After break we work on our next rice ~ a mushroom risotto. Onions are caramelized in a pan with butter and oil. Before adding the mushrooms I deglaze the pan with white wine. Now the aborrio rice is ready to add to the pan. I mix the rice to coat with the butter and oil before I add a few ladles of hot veal stock. I keep stirring the rice mixture adding more stock when the liquid has reduced by half. I keep repeating until the rice is cooked and then add some Parmesan cheese. The risotto should be loose and spread when plated. After plating I shave a bit of Parmesan on top of the risotto and it's ready to be served to Chef. This isn't the best dish I've plated I must confess. The serving size is too large ~ there are three servings on my dish! Should we make this dish again, I'll have to re-think my plating for sure.

Homework is to do more work on my business plan project. I'll have to look up my recipes and get them ready for costing and prep.

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